[ visit lampung | lampunggech.com ] Its my intention to make this title, why (it doesn’t really matter, I want it, that’s the point) it is all about my fourth reason that is connected with condition of Bandar lampung city, honestly I am embarrassed when I was in blogger party at 2007 that held in Jakarta and I found many blogger from many city and bandarlampung itself is not defined over there, except in recent tempo article (November) and that was only a glance about lampung and so on. Actually, in bandarlampung there are many internet cafĂ©, “hot spot” to make internet connection and surely we can use speedy wherever we are (sorry, it isn’t an advertisement), of course, internet activity is not new activity, but what strange is, when I try use blogwalking even search by using google network, there are a little blogger that say about lampung, or, have identity as lampung blogger, (try by yourself if you don’t agree with me) even though there is internet activity is only reading news...