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Bandar Lampung the unique city of Lampung

[visit lampung |] Its my intention to make this title, why (it doesn’t really matter, I want it, that’s the point) it is all about my fourth reason that is connected with condition of Bandar lampung city, honestly I am embarrassed when I was in blogger party at 2007 that held in Jakarta and I found many blogger from many city and bandarlampung itself is not defined over there, except in recent tempo article (November) and that was only a glance about lampung and so on.

Actually, in bandarlampung there are many internet café, “hot spot” to make internet connection and surely we can use speedy wherever we are (sorry, it isn’t an advertisement), of course, internet activity is not new activity, but what strange is, when I try use blogwalking even search by using google network, there are a little blogger that say about lampung, or, have identity as lampung blogger, (try by yourself if you don’t agree with me) even though there is internet activity is only reading news or using friendster,milis, email and looking for job or lover mate (why I make job and lover as same level ? because I have many friend that looking for job and lover by using internet, remember, it is only a part of my friend, not all of them.

Actually, there are many lampung blogger as same as my posting about lampung blogger, but not same as much as java blogger and several other cities out side java that has been organized, maybe it need a little touch or as much as socialization (if only a little I’m afraid it just an repeated word) in order to make blog well known in internet.

Bandar lampung also an unique city, it placed at sumatera but it seem like in java (for a day we can listen Javanese conversation in market) the conversation is often funny, the dialect is look like betawi, never ask about lampung language except several quiet word such as waway (good), upi moneh (what’s more ?)niku lawang (you are insane) jema (human) and so on, this made me confuse and the funnier is there are traditional at side walk but it is not originate from lampung, it is from other region, such as siomay (bandung), empek-empek (Palembang) sop buah (Cirebon) and bakso.

Recently, I see many people get dollar from internet, just say google adsense business from blog that become primary income for some blogger both in lampung or over the world. Can this called online business? If we make point of view from the area, we can say it online business, but from online market object in lampung it is only cyber object that can’t feel consume directly the product from adsense business.

There are many chance of online business in lampung, that is not treated seriously by business player, both who already had offline or who is trying online business, just say media business (journalistic) that still be dominated by online media mainstream such as detikcom. Okezone or press media that has online database but not keep professionally such as, and

Beside online media there are bosting service that is need by many circle who want to have blog or web by charge, it can be business appeal if done by lampung local player such as ever tried by sony with his first web.
What is not fails to draw is trying sell product that usually vend by offline, now has been started offered online, just tell lampung merchandise business that we can order by offline, do you interest ?

To go to online business we need several thing , such as internet access that we can use fast, normal and fluent, online promotion, IT human resources (even though can be learned by autodidact by business player) software and hardware support to make success online business. Do you still want to go to online business land?

this post has publish too at


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